Friday, April 29, 2011

Davicom Cnet Davicom N200 Pro

Knowing who is ... New

Undoubtedly, in recent times, particularly with the advent of line array systems, the name, the papers and books of Harry Olson, were put into the mouth of everyone who is related working with sound systems.
know his biography, his works and studies, we are setting the standard that is more important to "study" (and truth) to take a hasty position from the fragmented information that runs forums, pages, and technical trade positions. Biography / html / BioMEMS / holson.pdf

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Software Exception C0000005 In Tally 7.2

Iyana Communion

Family recipe .......
been a long time since I put the mess preparing a callus that is a meal not everyone likes, but in our house we all love. I prepared as my mother taught me and come out great. Ingredients

1 bay leaf 1 tomato


1 clove garlic ; 1chorrito
oil 2 pork legs clean
1kg beef tripe
500gr jellied pig's snout


2 onions 2 cloves garlic 3 tomatoes

; Paprika The Chinata
1 splash of white wine
2 diced ham sausages

Preparation first thing
to do is wash the tripe with hot water un poco de sal y un chorrito de vinagre, normalmente vienen limpios pero así nos aseguramos de que estén perfectamente limpios.

Poner en la olla rápida los callos (sin cortar), las patas de cerdo, 1 tomate, 1 cebolla, 1 diente de ajo, 1 hoja de laurel, 1 chorrito de aceite, un poquito de sal y cubrimos con agua. Cocemos durante 1/2 hora.

Una vez pasado ese tiempo, escurrimos los callos y pasamos por el pasapuré la verdura con un poquito de caldo. Picamos los callos  y picamos el morro, yo lo suelo picar en trozos más bien pequeños porque es como nos gusta. Si las patas de cerdo son grandes, intentamos "aprovechar" la  meat we can from them, if not check nothing is the same, the truth is that I take very little soil.

We fry the onion, garlic and tomatoes. When we see that start to be well done, add a little paprika and a dash of white wine. Also chop the chorizo \u200b\u200band ham and incorporate a few minutes. Add the tripe and cast part of the cooking juices until we are to our liking, there are people who like very soupy and others who prefer more espesitos, add salt and let boil for 10 minutes, stirring carefully because stick right away if they see you are very strong heat slightly lowered and solved ....

This time we have eaten with chips, you can eat as we like, and freeze. These amounts in my 5 portions left me rather abundant.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Person Wearing Lip Piercing Retainers


holidays have arrived y. .. have to entertain the kids !.....

My kids were eager to cook with me, sometimes by the daily rhythm of classes and extracurricular activities is impossible to take a while to get cooking. I have yet to do with them sopaipas, I mean that maybe my next prescription is that ......
Today donuts touched has been crazy, haha, but we had a very good, the two fought to add the ingredients including the small was trying everything that we added ....¡ even flour! and kept saying he was hungry. What I liked most of all was to see their faces, they were super excited .....
I had a "little problem" with flour, this recipe is a friend of my mother and to vary the flour is needed which supports ......¡!, I weighed the flour and cautious separated flour I figured you might need, the "little problem" in question is that I do not remember how I put, is that were 350gr or 300gr but it was fixed ... ohhhh!, what I know is that I left over flour 70g approximately, which I think the best thing is to 275gr and adding if we need more. Ingredients

(25 donuts small) 1 egg

4 tablespoons sugar 4 tablespoons olive oil
, 2 tablespoons of anise
half small lemon zest 1 envelope leavening
for 275gr
pastry flour and a little more if needed

1 piece of lemon peel
Sunflower oil for frying
, sugar to coat the donuts

Preparation In a bowl mix all ingredients except flour, begin to add little by little until we see that a soft dough is not sticking to our hands and it works well. Make balls the size of a walnut with your thumb make a hole and stretch a little to we are not too close to frying.

Make heat the oil with a piece of lemon peel, when you pick up enough heat to go frying donuts with care not to brown too, if we go down to brown too much heat slightly to keep burning. Remove from pan and put some minutes on paper towels. Sugar batter and ready ......