Friday, July 24, 2009

Dreamweaver Versus Sharepoint

The Husband - Pedro Guerra

a child dancing songs Moor

dancing came from within and

and modes were invented.

a child dreamed smells deep

foam mixtures, colony

and sweat of naked breasts.

grew up with his dream and one day I said

I see and I know I was born pa 'to marry you.

Matilde my life,

Matilde my star,

told that if we marry

Antoine and danced for her.

And hold me tight I can not breathe,

I have fear that a Diaye not want to dance with me anymore .

TLC, colognes and kisses, I have, I have,

would die clutching your breasts.

Love is so great, so sincere and heartfelt, a rainy day Matildeacabó by jumping in the river. "

And hold me tight I can not breathe , I have fear that one day

no longer want to dance with me good memories más.Mejor never a lost past, so a good day

Matilda finally thrown in the river. "

What was so beautiful it does not fall into oblivion, I'll be remembering forever Matilde you you have not left . And hold me tight I can not breathe, I have fear that a day and do not want to dance with me.

Hold me tight I can not breathe,

I have fear that one day

no longer want to dance with me anymore.


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