Thursday, November 5, 2009

Type Burton Snowboard

White lies - Alejandra guzman

H mast today, I realize that
Life is nothing if not I have your eyes.
not even imagined that I would do so much.
I do not know what you thought.
Today you are not and can not find words
to tell you that I miss every moment that you gave me.
I think I'll enloquecer si no te vuelvo a ver.
Dime que mañana vendrás,
dime que no puedes vivir
Sólo dímelo así.
Dime que te duele terminar,
dime que te sientes muy mal
Mentiras piadosas no me vienen nada mal.
No me vienen nada mal.
Tu sonrisa en la mañana
Tus caricias en mi espalda
son recuerdos que me matan.
Hoy que no estás ya
no encuentro las palabras to tell
I miss every moment that you gave me.
I think I'll go crazy if I see you again.
Tell me tomorrow will come,
tell me you can not live
only tell me so.
I believe you all want to be happy.
end it hurts Tell me, tell me
that you feel really bad
White lies do not come at all bad.


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